Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WIP Wednesday in Numbers

18 out of 24 6 inch blocks done for my grandmother's afghan.
3 out of 6 12 inch blocks done for my grandmother's afghan.
80 granny daughters finished for the Granny Daughters Swap Round 7 on Craftster.
10 granny daughters for my personal blanket.
7 "hexagon cookies" finished for my amoeblanket.


  1. Busy busy busy!! :D I'm dragging my heels with my Aunts granny square blanket :( Can't be bothered to crochet something that big in this hot weather!

  2. Not that much. :x My mom's bugging me about the afghan, so I had to tally my finished blocks, and granny daughters take about 2 seconds. Haha. Instead of studying, I crochet. :b

    I need to finish my big blanket too! I know what you're saying. And then your fingers sweat and ugh.


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