Wednesday, June 29, 2011

15. Goodies from Sarah/EssHaych

15. Goodies from Sarah/EssHaych by onepinkhippo
15. Goodies from Sarah/EssHaych, a photo by onepinkhippo on Flickr.

Fun package for Coral from EssHaych! Blythe related items include: hangars, which I need to find a Barbie wardrobe or something, because I want to hang all her clothes up; an earflap hat that she wants to wear now; a Domo sweater!!; an adorable miniature letter from Zoe; a baby blue Eggbert to go with the pink one she sent me earlier; an Eggbert TLC kit, because the aforementioned pink Eggbert(a) has one leg left; and a miniature yarn basket! I need better pictures of it. There were also goodies for me in the form of candy and scented pens (yum!) and tons of Royal Wedding items for my mom, including a little teapot! Thanks dear! I'm working on getting one out to her by the end of the summer. I have a little stack of Blythe clothes on my sewing table.

The dress Coral is wearing is a Donutzie dress by the talented kimberlymunn on Etsy. Fabulous! It's a little donut! 

Recently I haven't even finished anything "human" sized. Everything is Blythe sized. It doesn't take long, maybe a night or two or crocheting, and that instant gratification is awesome. And I think it wakes up the little kid in me. :]  


  1. Aawww I'm so glad you liked everthing!! :D Coral looks too cute in that Domo sweater!! :D

  2. Yay, I did, and thanks! She loves it. ~I~ love it.

    And I'm working on figuring out clothes and such, but Zoe and Unnamed Blybe will be getting clothes and goodies. Maybe not knit/crochet items in the first package. I'm still trying to figure out how to work with their big ass heads and such LOL.

  3. Haha, yeah, it is difficult!! That's why I have had no luck with making stuff! Take your time, We'll love anything you make! <3


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