On Craftster, I spied these yummy delights:
Your buns are adorable, my little oinker friend!
Last Monday, Bakerella posted about her Snickerdoodle Cookie and Cupcakes Duo. I'd never made snickerdoodles, and they looked divine, so I decided to whip them up. [Just the cookies, though.] I came out with more than 20, but there wasn't a crumb left after two days. They were delicious! Chewy, and just sweet enough with cinnamon and sugar. They reminded me of Christmas.
In the spirit of Bakerella, I documented the entire process through photographs. Enjoy.
I really love the texture of cinnamon.
Big thick gobs of yummy, gooey, buttery dough. This dough was BRIGHT yellow; it was gorgeous.
After being "released" into the cinnamon sugar, ready for the oven!
Sugar crystals! I love food.
Perfectly delicious, delicate snickerdoodles. *eats all*
And now for something completely different...
I love those ladies over at Mason Dixon Knitting. They crack me up. Since I was stuck in VA studying for finals instead of in NY for Rhinebeck, naturally I was thrilled with their post on it. Red wellies! George Washington re-enacters! But wait, what is that GORGEOUS hat that woman is wearing?
[picture courtesy Mason Dixon Knitting]
Apologies to Mrs. Ann Shayne for covering your face with my Arrow of Excitement.
I left a comment demanding to know what this divine pattern was! No luck. Today, whilst going through my blogroll, I happen upon Knitting in Color's newest Colorwork Project on Itty Bitty Needles: the Selbu Modern Hat. Since she only has a little done, I followed the link over to the knit-a-long on Ravelry, just for shits and giggles (or maybe Divine Intervention) to check out the hat.
[photo courtesy zeitgeistyarns]
Look familiar?! Those weird flower arrow things? The arcades separating said weird flower arrow thing?
HOLY SWEET JEEBUS, IT'S THE HAT! The hat, the hat! How I love thee, Internets. I'm so thrilled I found it! Of course, this now means purchasing yarn, because I don't have anything WORTHY of such a piece of art, nor do I own anything smaller than worsted weight. This calls for light fingering/3 ply on US 0 and 2s. Say what? I thought 3s were hell during the Reverie! Beret. Alas, this will be a lesson in patience. Since we're on a yarn budget, over here, it'll go on the Christmas list. ;] Santa usually delivers.
Since it can't be FTF without a video, especially one of a cat using a door knocker, I give you Knock Knock Kitteh:
Excellent blog post! I love the kitty, so clever!
Thanks! I'd mail you some, but I think they'd get hard and stale by the time they make it over the water. :\
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