Friday, October 23, 2009

Favorite Things Friday: The Gastronomic Version (and a few extras)

This week I haven't had proper time to surf crafty websites, but I did find one thing, and it ties in perfectly with a post I had planned about cookies. Killing two birds with one stone, yes yes.

On Craftster, I spied these yummy delights:

They're far too cute to eat though. PIGGY BUNS! by yujai! How cute! I don't think I'm much of a fan of the dates and taro filling, but if I made piggy buns it'd be impossible for me to eat them. Cute little oinker buns! (Original post HERE.)

Your buns are adorable, my little oinker friend!

Last Monday, Bakerella posted about her Snickerdoodle Cookie and Cupcakes Duo. I'd never made snickerdoodles, and they looked divine, so I decided to whip them up. [Just the cookies, though.] I came out with more than 20, but there wasn't a crumb left after two days. They were delicious! Chewy, and just sweet enough with cinnamon and sugar. They reminded me of Christmas.

In the spirit of Bakerella, I documented the entire process through photographs. Enjoy.

I really love the texture of cinnamon.

Big thick gobs of yummy, gooey, buttery dough. This dough was BRIGHT yellow; it was gorgeous.

After being "released" into the cinnamon sugar, ready for the oven!

Sugar crystals! I love food.

Perfectly delicious, delicate snickerdoodles. *eats all*


And now for something completely different...

I love those ladies over at Mason Dixon Knitting. They crack me up. Since I was stuck in VA studying for finals instead of in NY for Rhinebeck, naturally I was thrilled with their post on it. Red wellies! George Washington re-enacters! But wait, what is that GORGEOUS hat that woman is wearing?

[picture courtesy Mason Dixon Knitting] 
Apologies to Mrs. Ann Shayne for covering your face with my Arrow of Excitement.

I left a comment demanding to know what this divine pattern was! No luck. Today, whilst going through my blogroll, I happen upon Knitting in Color's newest Colorwork Project on Itty Bitty Needles: the Selbu Modern Hat. Since she only has a little done, I followed the link over to the knit-a-long on Ravelry, just for shits and giggles (or maybe Divine Intervention) to check out the hat.

[photo courtesy zeitgeistyarns]
Look familiar?! Those weird flower arrow things? The arcades separating said weird flower arrow thing?

HOLY SWEET JEEBUS, IT'S THE HAT! The hat, the hat! How I love thee, Internets. I'm so thrilled I found it! Of course, this now means purchasing yarn, because I don't have anything WORTHY of such a piece of art, nor do I own anything smaller than worsted weight. This calls for light fingering/3 ply on US 0 and 2s. Say what? I thought 3s were hell during the Reverie! Beret. Alas, this will be a lesson in patience. Since we're on a yarn budget, over here, it'll go on the Christmas list. ;] Santa usually delivers.

Since it can't be FTF without a video, especially one of a cat using a door knocker, I give you Knock Knock Kitteh:


Wonky Sarah said...

Excellent blog post! I love the kitty, so clever!

rosehippo said...

Thanks! I'd mail you some, but I think they'd get hard and stale by the time they make it over the water. :\