Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Square

Another square for my grandmother's blanket! I figured out the other day if I knit one 6 inch block every night I'll finish those in a week. Well, then I decided to cast on for my Noro scarf, then frogged it because the bottom wasn't straight, and didn't cast on any more. The Noro scarf is going to be my "at school" project, for Wednesdays. I have a break from 1.15 until 4.30, and on days like today, when I have a migraine but only have ibuprofen and I'm waiting to hear that classes are cancelled, I'm not too thrilled with hanging around for those hours. It probably wouldn't be as bad, but I have to read, and my head... ouch. 

The Noro scarf was looking good yesterday, but I was slipping one stitch purlwise at the ends like Mr. Jared Flood instructed, and it got all tight and weird and started flaring out, and it pissed me off, and if I have expensive yarn to make an expensive scarf, I'm not going to make something that I'm not too thrilled with. So it'll wait until tomorrow. (Snow day, hopefully!) 

I was also able to do my swatch for my Effortless Cardigan, and I measured it after a few rows and it was fine, so I'm looking forward to that. I just want to measure myself to make sure I'm a size small.

My ear infection has drastically gone down; this is the best I've been able to hear for the past two weeks. I'll continue on my medicines though; it's still a little muted. 

Information on the finished square: it's the Lacy Wheel square from Jan Eaton's 200 Crochet Blocks
I used an H hook and the usual yarns for it. I couldn't find my I hook, and even though they're only a mm apart in size (circumference? width?) I had to add a few extra rows. It came out ok, though.

Hopefully I can finish at least the 6 inch squares by the time February 1st rolls around, and I start my Effortless Cardigan. Oh, and the mosaic from Monday about doilies had a point, but I will get to that probably tomorrow. I need help with my little doily! 

And as far as classes are going, they're good. I'm taking English and my astronomy lab and lecture, two classes I need to graduate, and three art histories: the Silk Road, arts of India, and one entitled Transatlantic Encounters, which is the sharing of arts and ideas between Spain and the New World, or so the description blurb has led me to believe. That's the class I have tonight.

ETA: Speaking of Noro, since it was like $14 a skein or so, that completes #44 on my 101 in 1,001 list: splurge on expensive yarn!

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