May 19: Fish from the thrift store. This is actually a frame. Imagine having him in your house with two of your best friends peeking out his belly. Needless to say, I didn't buy him. But I did get:
May 20:...BAMBOO yarn for FIFTY CENTS! That's right, be jealous. It's a tiny ball, I'm not sure what to do with it though. Perhaps later I'll buy more and make something, or I'll combine it with some other worsted weight bamboo yarn and making something with that.
At the thrift store yesterday, I also scored some knitting needles and crochet thread for $1. I would know the size of the needles (the packaging says size 6 but there's a few in there and they have different...girths.) but I lost my handy Susan Boye needle and hook measuring and swatching device. I'm excited to make some doilies with the thread, it's metallic! I also got some fabric...actually, curtains. I got some bird curtains for me, not sure what to make, and some flowered curtains I'm going to use to make my mom a needle case. Not crafty related, I scored The Book of Kells (art history shout out) and some awesome cobalt blue high heels. :]
Contrary to popular belief, I have been knitting. I'm working on a hat for my cousin's new baby, Ruby, and I finished a square for the 2009 BAM CAL. This is the April Square. It was supposed to be Waldo's Puzzle, but I did that on the last afghan, so I chose Supernova instead. Sadly, I can't locate the picture.
Soon pictures from Mr. mochaxlight and I's trip to VA Beach will be added. We had great weather; it didn't rain until we left Friday. I bought two new hermies, seen in May 18th's EDiM, Big Pink and Rasta. They're kinda lethargic; I think it's the lack of food. Apparently, the commercial hermie food is bad, and I've been having bad migraines and I haven't been able to get the or the fish lettuce, or fruits or anything. Also, anyone know how to clean sand without sifting through everything? I'd rather them not have to sleep in their poo until I get new sand.
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