Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stash Enhancement 101

On our way to the Dollar Store yesterday, my mom and I decided to stop at Tuesday Morning, where I would spend a ton of money on gorgeous yarn. I knew they had yarn, but didn't know that they sold ANGORA for half price. ($5 a skein!) Of course, I had to purchase as much as I could. I ended up with five skeins of purple, (enough [hopefully] for a sweater), pink (Fetching for me), blue (mittens for my mom) and two shades of brown. (Gloves for my dad and Boyfriend.) I also got a yummy squishy ball of this teal cashmere. It's on the very top in the above picture, along with my kitty Arwen's ear. I also found some Boye hooks, that were baleen? Is this legal? (And yes, the whale is totally cute.) Turns out, it's made from a plastic that resembles whalebone. They're nice, though I have yet to use them. The day before when I bought a ball of off-white Caron Simply Soft, I really thought that would be the last yarn I'd be buying for a while, but could I give this up? Nope. NOW there will be no more yarn buying. I'm running out of places to, store it.


At Michael's I found a set of fat quarters with an "Owl and the Pussycat" theme. Remember that poem? Anyway, I found this pattern from Crazy Mom Quilts, and said "hey I can do that!" So I did, and here's my first square:


Gratuitous kitty pic! This is my eldest, Arwen.

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