Saturday, February 7, 2009

#38, #53, #54, #70, #76

38. Deplete my yarn and fabric stash // 53. Complete all projects I have yarn for in Big White (1/43)
I'm pushing through my stash, one project by one. Today I finished my Le Slouch hat. (More details here.)

54. Knit/crochet 50 dishcloths (7/50).
I finished 3 more dishcloths. Two scrap Petals, one for me and one for my mom and a heart dishcloth for my swap partner in my VDAY Cookie Swap on Craftster.

70. Make a list of 100 things that make me happy. (15/100)
I've been working and thinking of things that make me happy. All the things on this list make me smile when I think of them.
  1. office supplies
  2. cupcakes
  3. poems in Spanish
  4. Imperial Walkers from Star Wars
  5. my kitties
  6. my boyfriend
  7. my family
  8. knitting and crocheting
  9. the first snow of the season
  10. yarn
  11. being able to see the stars and Milky Way (there's too much light pollution in NoVA, the best place to see them all is in the Shenandoah Mountains.)
  12. Bob Dylan
  13. taking mini bottles of shampoo and conditioner, pens and pads of paper from hotel rooms
  14. the ocean
  15. when strangers call me "sweetie" (not in a creepy kind of way.)
76. Learn how to blow dry my hair straight. (Finished January 24th).
FINALLY, for the first time ever, I succeeded in blow drying my hair straight without looking like a frizz ball. I feel so accomplished. Now I don't need to rely on my mom to do it. Now I need to learn how to use the curling iron without making my hair look like stair steps.

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