I have been suffering from migraines since I was about 12. I've been suffering recently since Wednesday, yes one week, from migraines. It started to get extremely bad Friday night and finally let up yesterday. Today the pain is about a 2 on the scale of 1 to 10 so I'm able to get some stuff done, but I'm terrified the pain is going to come back with a vengeance or that I'm going to be having a 2 for the rest of my life. Friday night when it wasn't too bad I took two Esgic, some of the many migraine medicines I had. Later on that night I took two Treximent. (more medications) Since it was like 3AM and I was in severe pain, I forgot that I can't take Treximent if I've taken another migraine medication within the past 24 hours, so after I had a brief fear I was going to die, I couldn't take anything till later that night. I looked online for natural remedies. None worked, but some are so crazy I've decided to share them with you.
The first I found was grape juice. Not Welch's or Juicy Fruit, mind you, mashing grapes and drinking that juice down. I had my Dad pound some grapes with our mortal and pestle. I think he did like 20 grapes and there was about an 1/8 of a tablespoon of juice, which was disgusting. Next up, cayenne pepper. There was no way I was going to snort it, so I put some on my tongue and drank two glasses of water. My tongue started to hurt, but that's it. Throughout the day I also drank probably two gallons of water, which is good because a lot of times when I have to go to the hospital I'm dehydrated, but this wasn't the case with this cluster set. Next I tried a breathing technique favored by the yoga crowd. It's called anuloma vuloma and there's this complicated rigmarole of breathing in through one nostril and holding it in for 16 seconds. All that did was make me dizzy. I tried putting peppermint oil/extract and Vick's VapoRub on the spot, which temporarily helped, though I'm not sure if it was the burning of the peppermint on my skin or the menthol smell of both that helped. I took a cold shower, which only made me cold and did a combination of hot and cold shower, switching every 5 minutes, which still made me cold. I also put my feet in hot water which only made my feet hot. I didn't try a hot bath with a cold compress, (I had used enough water already.) 2 tb apple cider vinegar, (the guy who used this said it made his stomach upset and I've already lost about 5 or 6 pounds this weekend from being nauseous and he used it for a sinus infection.), cold milk, (I don't like milk. Mr. mochaxlight's mother thinks I get migraines because I don't drink milk. Hey, I eat cereal!) or 800 mg ibuprofen and 3 cups of strong coffee or a Coke. (No medicines and I don't like strong coffee or Coke.) So, I'm okay now. And I've also gone back onto my preventative medicine in the hopes that it'll decrease it maybe a little. My Dad's coworker found this book, a memoir of a man living with migraines, and he suffers from 10 a year. 10 A YEAR? Seriosuly? That's why he was able to write a book. I had 17 the month of May. Jerk.
I DO have an FO to share, the Victorian Dream Square by Crochet Pattern Central, the May Craftster BAM CAL Square. I ran out of the blue near the end so I had to use some variegated blues/purples, but I like the way it came out. I don't like how ruffly and curly it is, but maybe it'll straighten out after I stitch them all together.
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