Friday, October 16, 2009

Favorite Things Friday IS BACK.

Because I found some awesome crafts on!

First,  julibooli's Rainbow Elephants Spiralling Into Space T-Shirt. (I prefer the black one.) I love those cute little elephants, granted it'd be a lot more cuter if they were hippos. I love how she made a rainbow with the elephants, and how they curl, especially 'round back. I wish I had the patience for this. Rainbow hippos? Oh yes, oh yes. (Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both, oh yes, they both, oh yes, we both reached for the gun, the gun, the gun, oh yes, we both reached for the gun, for the gun. - Kudos if you know what that's from. It's now stuck in my head.)

I was also going to show suganspyyce's Dino cookies but the picture, via Flickr, is unavailable. They were so cute, too! Little pink and green heart shaped dinosaur cookies! Rawr.

ETA 17/10 @ 3.17 PM: Dino cookies picture has been fixed! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Wonky Sarah said...

Cute crafts! I really want that elephant t-shirt! :D