Monday, April 11, 2011

Seed Thyme!

Excuse the pun, but since it was around 80 degrees today, I figured it was best to stop by the Home Depot and pick up some seeds and start them!

I got this little greenhouse thing that I got last year. It was pots of soil and you just stick the seeds in, keep it watered, and put the plastic top over and it works like a mini greenhouse. (And it was like $6 for 72 seed pots, so I'm happy.)

For the seed pots I got:
  • poppies
  • peppers (Carnival Hybrid mix. I got this last year, but I only got yellow and green. *crosses fingers for purple!*)
  • thyme (common thyme; my favorite herb)
  • catnip (for my Girls)
  • basil (sweet basil; mmm, basil, mozzarella and tomato paninis!)
  • parsley (single Italian plain leafed; pesto!)
And for our backyard, our grow bed we got from Gardner's magazine:
  • lettuce (gourmet blend)
  • carrots
  • cosmos (they grow really good here, and are tall, so they'll be nice to have in the back amongst veggies)
We're also going to get cherry tomatoes, big tomatoes and I think cucumbers, but most likely from plants. I might get some green onions; we have a lot of room in that thing.


Wonky Sarah said...

I had no idea you could grow catnip!! You learn something new every day!!
I once tried growing radishes.Went horribly wrong. But my Mum grows tomatos :)Good luck with it! The seed thingy you got sounds so handy!

rosehippo said...

You can grow catnip and catgrass. Perks of being a crazy cat lady, I guess.

Aw, what happened with the radishes?

Tomatoes grow great here. It's awesome.

Wonky Sarah said...

The radishes didn't grow properly - they just grew loads of leaves and no actual radishes lol! It was a total mess...