Friday, July 17, 2009

Sweet yarn satisfaction.

I has it.

I received this excellent box of yarn from myklia this morning! *does happy dance* For some reason, I now feel content in my yarn collection. Maybe it's because I'm running out of space to store it and time to do it all, or it might just be those 5 big skeins I got in pink.

My box contained:
  • Some gorgeous pink handspun yarn that's in the mid left of the picture.
  • Lion Brand Fun Fur in Red
  • Lion Brand Fun Fur in Lavender
  • Lion Brand Fun Fur Prints in Fiji (you are so lucky I have an odd affinity for novelty yarn.)
  • Some Lion Brand Fancy Fur type yarn, taking up the lower left hand corner.
  • Some ribbony yarn, like Bernat's Boa, that little light blue ball inbetween the handspun and the Fun Fur
  • 5 (yes, FIVE folks!) skeins of Murphy's Mart (is this like Wal-Mart?) Wintuk in BRITE PINK. Sweater, I said, can you say sweater? I have no idea what Murphy's Mart is, or what Wintuk means (according to Wikipedia, it's a "is a semi-permanent and seasonal residency show created by Cirque du Soleil." No relation, right?) but I can definitely see my self throwing around snowballs in the winter with this crazy pink sweater.
  • Oh the kitten feet weren't included. I don't want you thinking she sent me disembodied kitten feet. Now that's just crazy.

Thanks myklia! *virtual hug*


This little cutie is one of my client's new kittens, Teddy. She is 4 months old and weighs a whopping 3 pounds. She is so so cute, I want to take her home! (Of course, not as cute as my girls, but you get the picture.) Since she has 5 older siblings and sutures in her tummy, her Mommy had to leave her in the bathroom. She loved running around when I was there, but when I put her back in her room to leave she would start howling. It was really heartbreaking. But her Mommy will be back later tonight. I also had a mini photo shoot with her (take that Fat Orange Cat Studios!) so more kitten pictures and squeals are to come.


And, if you happen to be a member of Craftster, come join my new swap, the Favorite Book Swap!

P.S. Who else think Blogger needs emoticons?


elociNNicole said...

LOVE the disembodied kitten feet. haha. I wish myklia would send me some kitten feet. :O)

rosehippo said...

Kitten feet are the best! They have so many uses. ;]